Experienced Music Teacher, Quality Private Music Lessons
Music lessons, including private trumpet lessons and private flute lessons, are offered at David’s home music studio located in Groton, Massachusetts. David is a patient, caring, highly experienced teacher. He expertly motivates his music students, including his many adult students in all their music lessons, enabling his music students to achieve their greatest playing potential though positive encouragement and example.
David teaches classical and jazz trumpet lessons as well as classical and jazz flute lessons and offers the option of a flexible music lesson schedule for his busy adult music students.
With over four decades of professional teaching experience, David has helped hundreds of students, beginning and advanced, discover the fun and joy of making music. See more information about taking quality private flute lessons or trumpet lessons from experienced music teacher David Summer.
Performing Musician
As a performing musician David specializes in playing trumpet and flute for church services. He has performed professionally as a Trumpeter and Flutist for hundreds of church services at dozens of churches in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
David is a classically trained musician. However, he also brings to his performances a depth of musical experience having been a freelance flutist and trumpet player in many different types of music ensembles including big bands, jazz ensembles, function bands, brass ensembles, flute ensembles and chamber orchestras.
Recording Musician
David creates classical, jazz and pop audio recordings, of his own compositions and others, using his computer based multi-track home recording studio. He also has made many live performance location recordings of his professional performance activities.
As with all of his musical activities, David’s recordings are mainly produced in support of his music teaching efforts. To this end, David produces two music education podcasts, consisting of instrumental duets. One is a flute podcast presenting flute duets from a popular flute duet book, which are also available as flute play along duets. This educational flute podcast is of particular value to flute students learning to play duets and flute teachers assigning duets to their students. It’s fun for all flutists and anyone who enjoys flute music.
David’s other music education podcast, a trumpet podcast, is an analogous version of the flute podcast, but for trumpet players. These are classical trumpet duets, from the same widely used duet book series and are also available as trumpet play along duets. The educational trumpet podcast is also of particular value to trumpet students and trumpet teachers. It’s fun for all trumpeters and anyone who enjoys trumpet music.
Author – Music Technology and Education
David is also an accomplished author on the subjects of Music Technology and Music Education.
His many published works include magazine articles on audio recording, music education, music technology and software development. These informative music articles have been published in leading music technology and music education magazines, including Recording Magazine, Electronic Musician and The Instrumentalist Magazine.